Host Resources

How to Survey Your Community on TikTok

A guide to engaging your community and getting the responses you need to become a TrovaTrip Host

Travelers in Bali.

When it comes to creativity, joy, and cutting-edge trends, TikTok is the undisputed champ of social media. And if you’ve built a strong community there, it can also be a great place to launch a TrovaTrip and earn money traveling. The 1st step to that is surveying your audience. So to make things as easy as possible, we’ve put together some tried-and-true strategies for getting the most out of TikTok…and the millions upon millions of active users you can reach with a quick video.

For those who haven’t checked out our blogs on the importance of surveying and how to do it yet, the survey has 2 purposes:

  1. First, it allows you to become a TrovaTrip Host once you reach 100 qualified responses, or QRs. These are defined as a person over 18 years old, with a travel budget of at least $2,000. And, in case you’re wondering, 100 responses is just the minimum; the more QRs you collect, the greater your chances of confirming a trip will be. 
  2. Secondly, it tells you where your community wants to go and how much they’re willing to spend, along with a ton of other data to help you offer the perfect group trips your followers want. So without further ado, let’s take a look at how to make that happen!

Key takeaways

Welcome to Survey Week (TikTok edition)

Over the past 6 years, we’ve experimented with different posting cadences to develop the most effective baseline schedule possible. It unfolds over a weeklong period and looks like this:

  • Day 1: Record a video telling your community about why you want to host a trip, what Trova is, and what excites you about bringing them along. Hit on the fact that this is a group experience and their feedback about destinations, budget, activities, etc. will actually determine what the trip looks like. Speak directly to your audience — we’ve found that a mix of face on screen, with voiceover of some inspiring destination-based footage works wonders! If you’re looking for free, quality content you can use, we recommend checking out sites like Unsplash or Pexels for free stock footage that can take your content to the next level…even if you haven’t been to a destination before. Then, issue a clear call to action to participate by clicking on the link to your Host Profile Page in your bio or copy and pasting a URL from the comments.
    • 💡 Trova Tip: Putting text on your video makes for a more dynamic viewing experience and ensures that everyone will get the message, regardless of how they watch.
@bigbooklady I just want to meet every single one of you and chat about books #booktok #bookish #grouptrip #grouptravel ♬ original sound - Lauren Louise
  • Day 2: Make another video to keep the momentum going and remind your followers that this trip won’t be possible without their input. Not everyone will have seen the original video, and others may need the extra encouragement to take action.
  • Day 4: Take Day 3 to keep track of incoming responses in your TrovaTrip Host portal, while continuing to post and interact as you normally would. Then, on Day 4, start a Q&A by posting a video calling for questions or go live. You’ll also want to update your community by sharing the leading destination picks and favorite activity categories. This is a chance to collaborate, geek out about travel, and shape the vision of the trip. It’s also an opportunity to alleviate any FUD (fears, uncertainty, or doubts) folks may have.
  • Day 6: After another day of continuing to engage and respond to comments or questions, make a video revealing the top 2 or 3 destinations. Talk about what excites you about each, then give one final call to action for those who haven’t responded yet with a reminder of how to find your Host Profile link, where the survey lives.
  • Day 7: Finally, wrap it all up by thanking your community for participating and let them know more details will be coming soon as you craft an experience based on their input.

TikTok feature breakdown

Now that we’ve covered when to post, it’s time to talk about how. One of the reasons TikTok works so well for surveys is its ability to keep followers informed without demanding much of their time. Utilizing its different features can help engage your entire community and trigger more responses, especially when used at the right time in the promotion cycle.

  • Videos – For your survey announcement, a simple direct-to-camera monologue works best, with text and destination or activity video b-roll/screenshots added for dynamic viewing and clear communication. As you add more survey-related videos, creating a playlist where they can all live will make it easier for followers to get the whole picture.
    • 💡 Trova Tip: Videos can double as content on secondary channels, like IG Stories/Reels or YouTube Shorts. Even if those platforms aren’t worth your time to create for specifically, a lil crossposting never hurt no one.
@dijanaandrocec Would you like to travel with me? Now you can!!!! I will be hosting trips all around the world with @trovatrip 🫶 Fill in the survey in my bio ♥️ #trovatrip #tiktokpoll #travel #adventure #travelwithme #worldcup ♬ original sound - Dijana Dreadlock Shop London
  • Green Screen / Voiceover – Posting a quick walkthrough of the survey process on Day 1 or 2 can help viewers understand how quick and easy it really is. Likewise, with travel inspo or destination deep dives, sometimes it’s best to let the content be the star.
  • Live – Not everyone feels comfortable going live but if you do, Day 4 for a Q&A session or Day 6 for a top destination discussion are prime opportunities. Going live is great because it allows you to respond to your audience’s most burning questions in real-time. Plus, viewers are able to see your genuine excitement and the recording itself can live forever as a permanent piece of content.
    • 💡 Trova Tip: Activate Q&A on videos and live sessions to make sure nothing important gets missed. If one person has the courage to ask, there’s usually a lot more wondering about the exact same thing!
  • DMs – Some people may hit you up with more specific or sensitive questions, and a thoughtful response will go a long way toward convincing them to take the next step. As you get closer to the end of the week, you may also notice that some people who have commented or DM’d haven’t filled out the survey yet. In these cases, it’s worthwhile reaching out personally to see if they might be interested.

The magic of branding

As you’ve probably gathered, survey week involves a lot of posting and communication. Unfortunately, no matter how engaged your community is, not everyone will see everything. To someone who misses the announcement, for instance, the Q&A can feel like walking into the middle of a movie. To help people piece together what the survey is all about and why they should do it, we recommend a little marketing magic. Nothing too complicated, just giving some of your survey content a unified look and feel. Keeping a consistent visual style when applicable makes for cohesive storytelling, as opposed to a bunch of random pieces that don’t fit together in a clear and obvious way (Ex: using the same font and colors when comparing destinations or talking about activities). As a bonus, it gives your brand a professional edge by showing folks you’re organized and intentional—qualities Travelers look for in a Trova Host!

Something for everyone

There you have it: the complete guide to rocking your survey week on TikTok. If you have any questions about the process or anything else Trova-related, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Trova rep or Otherwise, grab your Host Profile Page link from the portal and get ready to find out where your community really wants to go!

Prefer a different platform? No problem! Check out these blogs on survey tips and see how to qualify as a TrovaTrip Host no matter which platform you call home: