TrovaTrip Blog

How Hosting With TrovaTrip Works

5 simple steps to take you from signing up to traveling the world

No matter where you are in the hosting process, even if you’re still just thinking about reaching out, the whole thing can sometimes seem a little complicated. There are different steps and unfamiliar terms before you get to the good stuff: actually taking your community somewhere amazing. Fortunately, we’re here to help make things as simple and transparent as possible with this step-by-step guide to hosting group trips with Trova. In it, we’ll cover each stage of the process and link to blogs that provide even greater detail so you’ll never have to worry or wonder if you’re doing things right. Let the journey before the journey begin!

Loooooove Trova content but hate reading? Check out this recording of our Trova 101 webinar for an in-depth look at how to host:

Key takeaways:

1. Create your account

Don’t be shy! Get started by signing up for a Trova Host account here and we’ll send you an activation email. Then you can log onto the portal and start poking around! This is where you’ll manage all things Host-related. The command center of the hosting experience, if you will. You’ll use the portal to access your Host Profile Page (more on that in Step 2) and see real-time audience survey data, as well as manage bookings, earnings, and more. Speaking of the survey…

2. Survey your community

TrovaTrip Survey Phone Example

The survey is how we determine whether hosting with Trova will be a good fit for you and your community. You can read more about the importance of surveying and how to do it in these articles, but the quick version is that the survey – which can be taken via your Host Profile page – collects valuable insights from your community about:

  • Where your audience want to go
  • Their age and travel budget
  • What activities they want to do
  • What they’re interested in learning from you (workshops, seminars, etc.)
  • Additional data (gender, preferred time to travel, etc.)

The reason we start with the survey is because over the past 6 years we’ve found that Hosts who successfully confirmed trips collected at least 100 qualified responses (travelers 18+ with at least a $2,000 budget) in their survey. And we’ve also learned that the rate of confirmation goes up along with the amount of responses, which is why we strongly recommend continuing to survey until you get 100 or more. Essentially, running a successful survey correlates statistically to running a successful trip. In the words of Jesse Pinkman, “Yeah, science!”

Promoting a survey is done via social media or wherever your community is strongest, by asking them directly to take a second (okay, more like 2 minutes) to answer a few questions. For a look at how to do this on different platforms, including proven posting cadences, you can check out these guides for surveying on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook Groups, and even by mailing list!

TrovaTrip yoga retreat in Zion National Park.

3. Plan your trip

After getting enough responses to qualify–awesome!–it’s time to look at the data and give your community exactly what they want. In the portal you’ll be able to clearly see their top picks for destinations, dates, and pricing. Then all you have to do is:

As you can see, even though we call this stage trip planning it’s really more like trip picking. With the solid data from your survey and Trova’s variety of pre-built options, there’s not much you’ll actually have to figure out.

4. Promote & Launch your trip

TrovaTrip Host Ashley promoting her trip on Instagram.

Once you know where you’re going, it’s time to build awareness and get folks (who already said they’re interested) to actually sign up. You can start promoting even before your trip is officially open for bookings to maximize excitement. Then, once you’ve launched, it’s time to push towards confirmation a.k.a. when the minimum number of Travelers required to operate the trip have booked. This part can feel a little overwhelming for some but not to worry, we have plenty of tried-and-true promotion strategies from our most successful Hosts to get you to confirmation. Even after that, we recommend continuing to promote to get your waitlist filled and keep the rest of the community excited about future trips. Thanks to the data you gathered, you’ll be able to see where else folks want to go and plan accordingly. Hellooooo repeatable income!

💡 Bonus: If you’ve qualified and want to get started right away, we’ve got just the thing! Instant approval for select itineraries is here to help you hit the ground running.

TrovaTrip Travelers hiking through the jungle in Costa Rica.

5. Travel

All that’s left to do now is show up and be a great Host! Okay, there’s a little more to it than that but we have you covered with these blogs about everything you can do before and during a trip to make it unforgettable. In a nutshell, you’ll want to connect with the group before the trip starts to make sure everyone’s comfortable and primed to form those trademark deep group travel connections.

Then, on the ground, you’ll want to balance showing up for your community and enjoying the trip yourself. And don’t worry, all the logistics of the experience will be handled by our vetted and experienced Operators which you can read about here. And in case you’re wondering how Trova works with you and these Operators to bring trips to life, check out this article that explains how our business model works. In these we cover exactly what you can expect from all the various folks who make a group trip run smoothly so there’s no confusion about who’s responsible for what. In a nutshell:

  • Hosts: Bring Travelers together and provide a leader to rally around
  • Travelers: Show up and have a good time
  • Operators / Guides: Local experts in charge of the on-the-ground experience (bookings, transportation, communication, etc.)
  • Trova: Customer support, payments, trip planning

Happy hosting!

There you have it, the entire hosting process from A-Z. Of course, this is just an overview so we hope you’ll check out the linked articles to really get a feel for how Trova handles Creator-led travel. For any additional questions, feel free to check out our main page at and our resource library for Hosts. We hope to see your survey soon!

Ready to get started? Create your account and begin surveying today!