TrovaTrip Blog

A Deep Dive into New and Exciting Things at Trova

February 2024


It’s hard to believe we’re already a month into the new year! It was a record-setting January at Trova with more Hosts than ever surveying, building, launching, and confirming their trips for the year ahead—if you’re thinking about a July-September trip, don’t wait! Now is the time to lock those in. 

We’re bringing you the latest and greatest updates from TrovaTrip—what’s new in the Product, and how you can make the most of it. As your partner in life-changing group travel, we're committed to making your experience as Hosts even more seamless, enjoyable, and product update at a time.

Let's dive into some of the exciting features we've rolled out recently.

1. Updated Reviews: automated, amplified, and accessible

Itinerary reviews just got a major upgrade! We know how important it is to deliver an incredible experience, so we've revamped our review process to give Hosts (and your Travelers) a clear view into which itineraries are tried and true. This change will streamline how we collect feedback, while giving you more insights into potential trips.

TrovaTrip itinerary card with reviews example. TrovaTrip itinerary review filter example.


Collecting your feedback

After your trip concludes, expect an automated email (3 days post-trip) with a few tailored questions about your hosting experience. This not only makes sharing feedback a breeze but also contributes to a more transparent community. 

Seeing other Hosts’ feedback

You’ll see these reviews displayed on specific itineraries with a score ranging from 1-5 ⭐️, along with easy filtering options. You can sort reviews by star rating or even by author type: All, Traveler, or Host.

We’re so excited to offer our Hosts a more informed planning process and ensure you have the insights you need to deliver exceptional experiences. Check out our top rated itineraries here!

2. Updated Itinerary Tiers: setting Hosts up for success

We've fine-tuned our itineraries across the three tiers to ensure each trip sets our Hosts up for success.

  • Starter itineraries are our entry-level, self-serve trips, made up of our most popular (and successful-selling) itineraries. These are plug-and-play itineraries that give you a quick and easy launch at a reasonable price point for your Travelers. You'll unlock these itineraries when you get 100 qualified survey responses.
  • Experienced itineraries give you more options and are available to everyone with at least 150 qualified survey responses. Don't let the name fool you—even a first-time Host can unlock, select, and sell an Experienced itinerary. Plus, it comes with the support of a dedicated Trova rep to help you every step of the way. 
  • Expert itineraries are specialized trips for enthusiastic and dedicated communities. This tier unlocks a more exclusive experience for the groups who want to explore less traveled destinations. 300+ qualified survey responses get you access to these ones.

We still strongly recommend that new or surveying Hosts aim for more than100 qualified survey responses to increase their likelihood of selling their trip.

🌍 Check out all our Trip Itineraries here!

3. Cancellation Option: trips live 60+ days with less than 3 bookings

In an effort to ensure our Hosts don’t spend too much time promoting a trip that may not confirm, we’ve put our historic trip data to work and built a check-in point for all trips 60 days after they launch. If your trip makes it past the first 60 days selling 2 or fewer spots, we'll work with you to retire that particular trip and come up with a plan for the future.

4. Airport Transfers: giving Travelers control of their journeys

Notice a dip in trip costs when you’re building and requesting a trip? We've made a change! Traveler airport transfers are no longer automatically included in the trip price. However, fear not, Host transfers remain unchanged and are still included!

TrovaTrip Traveler book transfers example.

We’ve heard numerous requests from Travelers who wish to have control over their airport transfers, allowing them to navigate on their terms and timelines. We’ve built the ability for them to book their own transfers into the TrovaTrip platform and are very excited about the level of customization and control they now have. 

5. Suggested Sell Price Range: empowering your pricing decisions

TrovaTrip Suggested Sell Price example.We've enhanced our Suggested Sell Price to provide Hosts with a range, rather than a single amount. This range is backed by historical TrovaTrip data and your audience insights, ensuring you have the flexibility to set a price that is most likely to sell (and confirm). Request your next trip to check it out!

Beyond the Portal: other Trova news to note

  • Be the first to book a ‘mini’ trip! We now offer 4-day/3-night TrovaTrips to places like Dublin, Colombia, New York, Mexico City, Costa Rica, Bali, and more! These itineraries are more affordable for your Travelers, require fewer days of precious PTO, and give you incredible flexibility for adding another trip (or 2…or 3!) to your annual travel plans. We’ll announce the minis in a few weeks, but you can type "express" into the search bar to get early access.
  • The 2024 Travel Scholarship application window has been extended to February 23rd! For the second year, TrovaTrip will reward 5 people who have not had the resources to travel a $5,000 USD scholarship to apply to a TrovaTrip and related costs (airfare, etc…). Share the scholarship out with your community and encourage them to apply by Feb 23rd!

Collage of TrovaTrip images.

More to come!

We hope these updates add an extra layer of ease and clarity to your hosting. We have much more in store for you and your communities and look forward to sharing more. As always, your feedback is invaluable, so keep those suggestions coming. Cheers to another year of adventure or relaxation (whichever you prefer) ahead!

Made with 💙, made for ✈️,

Trova’s Product Team