TrovaTrip Blog

Trova Unlocked: It’s Easier Than Ever for Community Leaders to Plan and Sell Group Trips

Unlock a new way to connect with your community—in just a few clicks

Blog written by Nick Poggi, TrovaTrip CEO & Co-founder

8 years ago, I was in Krakow, Poland enjoying a beer with my friend, Lauren. It was our second stop on a 2-week European vacation with close friends. After spending an inordinate amount of time planning the vacation, we started brainstorming a better and easier way for people to travel with their communities. We scratched some quick notes onto paper napkins and not long after, TrovaTrip was born.

TrovaTrip Founders Nick Poggi and Lauren Schneider on first hosted trip with Content Creator, @glographics.

Fast forward nearly a decade later, and our mission to help people find their community everywhere in the world has led to 1,500+ trips and life-changing travel experiences for more than 30,000 people across the globe. 

Trova has always been about bringing people together through the joy of travel, and today, I am excited to announce something that will make it easier than ever for Creators and Community Leaders to plan, sell, and share group trips. 

Meet Trova Unlocked—our latest release designed to help Hosts go from dreaming, to planning, to traveling (and earning) faster than ever before. Whether you're running a small Facebook group, a yoga studio, or another type of community, unlocking Trova means it’s easier than ever to Host a group trip.



What’s new in Trova Unlocked?

1. If you have a community, you can host a trip

Previously, there were guardrails in place that required Hosts to survey their communities prior to launching a trip. Thanks to our data, we knew that Hosts who collected at least 100 survey responses had a high likelihood of being able to sell a trip.

We love(d) the survey for a lot of reasons — it gets your audience thinking about (and opting into) traveling with you and it gives you the info you need to plan a trip that people will buy (location, activities, and budget) — but we realized that requiring a survey for every Host was keeping some communities from launching and taking their own group trips! Think of brick-and-mortar yoga or pilates studios whose audience isn’t on social media; small businesses that curate local activities; coaches and artists who manage their communities via independent mailing lists or Patreons; even smaller communities that are just as loyal, connected, and excited to travel together as the larger ones. 

We want every one of those communities to get to experience the world together, so moving forward, the audience survey is a tool for planning the best possible group trip, not a gatekeeper. 

Starting now, we will apply the information we get from Hosts as part of the start-up process to bypass the survey whenever possible. We may still require surveying for Hosts whose communities may not be a fit for group travel (as determined by engagement rates, history leading trips, content themes, or other factors) to ensure success launching and selling a trip to your community.

TrovaTrip itinerary library.

2. Off-the-Shelf Itinerary Library

With Trova Unlocked, we’ve revamped our Itinerary Library to include over 100 professionally designed experiences that are ready to reserve immediately. 

Previously, Trova Hosts who completed their survey would find their ideal itinerary, and submit a request with no insight into what optional activities would be available, how pricing might be impacted by local events, or even if the dates they wanted were available. Patient Hosts would wait to hear back, and then sometimes have to revise and adjust their trip requests.

With Trova Unlocked, there’s no more waiting for approval from Operators or dealing with fluctuating prices. All the details are set, making it easier and faster for you to choose an itinerary, pick from available dates, and reserve! All that’s left is to get your community excited to book.

Allowing Trova Hosts to go from sign up to ‘reserved trip’ in a matter of hours (rather than days or weeks) is a huge upgrade.

TrovaTrip group trip.

3. An easier-than-ever trip planning process

Hosting a trip through Trova now takes just 5 easy steps…4 if you’ve already created your account:

  1. Create your Host account at
  2. Our algorithm will then recommend 1 of 2 options (based on factors like experience leading trips, community engagement, etc.)
    • Immediately plan your trip by reserving an experience from our Itinerary Library, or
    • Prompt you to survey your community to collect more data around their readiness to book a trip.
  3. Fill your trip by inviting your community and selling spots.
  4. Prepare for your adventure with support from Trova the whole way.
  5. Travel the world with your community and earn income!

This simplified approach ensures you can focus on building excitement with your community, rather than getting bogged down in logistics.

TrovaTrip survey data example.

4. Integrated survey tool

Our Host Survey Tool remains a core feature that we will continue to offer, free of charge, to every Trova Host. This tool makes it easy to gather feedback from your community about destinations, budgets, and preferred travel times, ensuring your trip is aligned to their needs. The two-minute survey is quick but powerful, helping you create the perfect experience for your Travelers.

TrovaTrip group in Patagonia.

5. Support every step of the way

Whether you’re new to hosting or an experienced group trip leader, we’re here to help. TrovaTrip offers guides on promoting your trip, tips for integrating travel into your brand, and advice for making travel a natural part of your community. You’ll also have access to a rich online resource center filled with helpful guides and answers to common questions.

Ready to unlock your community's next adventure?

If you’ve ever thought about hosting a trip, now is the perfect time to explore Trova Trips. The process is easier than ever, and our team is ready to support you in creating unforgettable travel experiences for your community.

Trova is ready to take you and your community everywhere in the world, so head over to, and start planning your first trip today.