France: Trip Preparation & Destination Information

About France


Baguettes, croissants, the Eiffel Tower, cheese and wine. The French sure know how to appreciate the simple and finer things in life! Your exploration of France is more than beautiful buildings, breathtaking landscapes, bright lights and delicious cuisine, it is also a discovery of the French lifestyle and ‘Joie de vivre.’ Welcome to France!


Disclaimer: Space is a precious commodity in Europe, especially in its most dense cities, be prepared for smaller hotel rooms. The same goes for bathrooms and elevators, don’t be surprised if they feel cozier than those in the US.


Capital City: Paris

Population: 65.50 million (Apr. 2022)

Currency: Euro

Time Zone: Central European Time (GMT+2)

Emergency Number: 112

Outlet: Type C/E

arc de triomphe

Packing List

Speak the Language

French, the official language, is the first language of 88% of the population.


  • Good morning - Bonjour 
  • Good afternoon - Bon apres midi
  • Good night - Bon nuit
  • Goodbye (to a person leaving) - Au revoir
  • See you soon - A bientot
  • Thank you - Merci
  • How are you? - Ca va?
  • I’m fine - Ca va
  • I’m Sorry - Je suis desole


Google Translate: Download the Google Translate app or click here

Fun Facts

  • France is the world's most popular tourist destination with a whopping 90 million visitors in 2019. Paris is the 3rd most visited city in the world after Bangkok and London. 
  • Louis XIX was the king of France for a total of 20 minutes, the shortest reign by a king, ever.
  • France is the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away unsold food. Stores must now donate surplus groceries to food banks and charities.
  • The French have approximately 1,600 varieties of cheese. Cow’s milk makes up 1.7 million tons of their total cheese production, with the rest made from the milk of goats and sheep.
  • Although denim jeans were invented by the Strauss brothers in San Francisco, the material was created in the city of Nimes. The word, 'denim' is a derivative of 'de Nimes' or 'of Nimes.'
  • The Tour de France cycle race, first held in 1903, has been running for more than 100 years. The world’s most famous cycle race has been held every year, apart from the two world wars. It was delayed in 2020 as a result of the coronavirus but still went ahead.  


Tipping Suggestions: Tips for Guides, drivers and restaurants are not included. Tips provide supplemental income, and, while not mandatory, are greatly appreciated. If the local teams have added to the experience, please reward them.

Guides USD $5 per person/per day
Drivers USD $5 per person/per day
Restaurants (full service)  USD 10% of total bill



Where can I find information on travel safety? Check out the US Department of State's website for the most up-to-date information on safety while traveling. To minimize the risk of pickpocketing it is recommended to be discreet: don’t flash anything of value, keep a firm hand on your camera, and carry shoulder bags slung across your body. Overall it’s a good idea to avoid badly lit areas completely at night and deserted inner-city areas by day.


Is the water safe to drink? Tap water in France is safe to drink.


Do I need a Visa? For Visa information, click here. Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months after you return home and has two or more blank pages. Otherwise, some countries may not let you enter.


What about vaccines? For vaccination information, click here.


Do you recommend travel insurance? While not required, we highly recommend all travelers get travel insurance for their trip to protect themselves from the unknown! Check out travel insurance options from our partner, or from a provider of your choice.


What does public transportation look like? The Paris Metro will get you to most places in the city within a half-hour along with trams and buses which are readily available. Most major cities in France have relatively reliable public transportation.


How much should I pack? As we will be using shared transfers and spaces throughout our tour we recommend all travelers pack as lightly as possible. Please review our luggage restrictions below.


Is Uber or Lyft available? Uber is the go-to ride-sharing app in France.


What about Wifi? There is wifi in hotels and airports, stations, restaurants, shops and malls. 4G is readily available and 5G is being rolled out.

Luggage Restrictions

Luggage Restrictions purple
Luggage restrictions purple – mobile – 1

1% Promise

In partnership with The Cool Effect, 1% of Trova's revenue will be donated to reduce carbon emissions through community-based initiatives around the globe.

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