Creators, earn money and travel the world with your community!

Creators, earn money and travel the world with your community!















Creators, earn money and travel the world with your community!

Two TrovaTrip Travelers on a group trip.

Create your account to become a Trova Host

Trova is a platform built for Creators who want to make group travel part of their brand and income.

Discover your earnings potential!

Use the slider to see how much you 
can make by hosting trips for your community with Trova.

Trips a Year


Potential Yearly Earnings

*Earnings are based off an average of all TrovaTrip Hosts, calculated March, 2024. Actual earnings may vary.

How Hosting Works


Create an Account

Survey Your Audience

Survey your Audience


Plan your Trip


Promote your Trip


Earn Income & Travel

Know someone who would
make a great Host?


Refer them to Trova and we’ll send you $100 when they qualify as a Host and $500 when they confirm their first trip. There’s no limit to how many referrals you can
make or how much you can earn.

Know someone who
would make a great Host?

Refer them to Trova and we’ll send you $500 as a thank you when they confirm their first trip. There’s no limit to how many referrals you can make or how much you can earn.

A TrovaTrip Traveler riding a camel on a group trip in Egypt.

Create your account
to get started